Slickplan Help Creating sitemaps

Using page types

Page types visually represent the purpose of each page within your sitemap.

This feature utilizes labels, icons, and descriptions to improve user comprehension of sitemap pages and their purpose.

To assign a page type:

  1. Open the page properties panel and click on Assign Page Type.
    assigning page type
    There are 12 predefined page types that you can choose from:

    • Consumption and Consumption Stack – designed for extended reading, such as an article; Often this is presented as a stack to suggest additional content that shares an identical form.
    • Dialog – a modal view; You can use this when it’s essential to describe an interaction that occurs within a certain page state.
    • External – an object outside of the scope of the design, but whose presence needs to be accounted for. A direct mail campaign that drives users to the site would be a good example.
    • File – a downloadable file, like a PDF or an executable program.
    • Form – input/output interaction with a system; This could be a basic data entry form or something more ‘AJAX-y’.
    • Fragment – bits of consumable information on a page; You can use this e.g. when it’s essential to document in-page content like lightboxes or tabs.
    • Gallery – essentially the same as a listing, but represented as a grid.
    • Interactive – a game-like or novel interactive experience; usually the quality and nature of the interaction is meaningfully different from a Form type.
    • Listing – a view that presents many links to content, such as tag view, an archive, or search results; It’s similar to a Portal, but is typically more of a utility view.
    • Portal – a view designed as a doormat for a collection of content; These are usually category pages that usher people deeper into a section. Compared to a Listing, this view is often more curated.
    • Process – a process that a user can’t see, but whose operation is critical to the experience; A process that blocks for a long time before returning data is a good example.
  2. Click a symbol to select your page type and that’s it. Changes will be saved automatically.
    selecting page type
  3. A page type icon will appear on the sitemap page.
    page type icon
  4. To Edit or Delete a page type, open the properties panel.
    page type description