Slickplan Help FAQ

Notification email formatting

In Slickplan you can create email templates, so your emails look great and are relevant to your recipients.

Below are the formatting codes that you can use to personalize email content:

Bold Text**Text Here**Text Here
Italic Text__Text Here__Text Here
Link[Text Here]( Here
Recipient’s First Name%first_name%Josh
Recipient’s Last Name%last_name%Smith
Recipient’s Username%username%jsmith
Recipient’s Email%email%[email protected]
Account Owner Name%owner_name%Josh Smith
Company Name%company_name%Example Corp.
Slickplan Account
Sitemap Permissions%permission%approve
Sitemap Role%role%editor
Sitemap Name%sitemap%Example Sitemap Name
Comment%comment%Hey guys, great sitemap, thanks!
Sitemap or Login page URL%url%