Slickplan Help Creating & managing diagrams

Using diagram templates

Using diagram templates

Starting a diagram project from a template is a smart move! Templates offer validated designs that provide clarity and save time.

To start a new diagram project using a template:

  1. Click the New Project button at the dashboard’s top right.

    click new project

  2. Select Focused Diagramming from the pop-up window, then click Next: Set up project details to proceed.


  3. Input a project name and optionally include a logo.


  4. Click the Diagram template menu to access our complete library.


  5. Click the Next: Set up your team button to select your project team members.


  6. Click Finish and create project to import your template.


  7. Your template has been imported. Start customizing it to fit your needs and preferences.

    uploaded diagram template

To add a template to an existing diagram project:

  1. Open an existing project and click the import icon at the top right of the navigation bar.

    open diagram import

  2. Go to the Template tab to access pre-built Slickplan templates.

    diagram templates tab

  3. Click the small eye icon next to each diagram template to preview its design.

    preview import template

  4. Choose a template, then click Import. Slickplan will add it to your project to jump-start your diagram creation.

    template import

  5. Your template has been imported. Start customizing it to fit your needs and preferences.

    uploaded diagram template

To use a diagram template in a site planning project:

  1. Go to the Diagrams tab on the navigation bar.

    diagrams tab

  2. Click the button labeled + New Diagram in the upper right of the Diagram Maker dashboard.

    new diagram button

  3. In the pop-up window, type a name for your diagram and select the sitemap page where you want to place it.

    add name destination

  4. Select a template from the dropdown menu labeled Diagram template, then click the eye icon to preview the templates.

    preview inpage diagram temp

  5. That’s it! The template will be imported to the selected page.

    inpage diagram import