Slickplan Help FAQ

Security FAQ

Where is my data located?

All our infrastructure is hosted by Digital Ocean and all data is located in the U.S.

Do you have a SOC report to share?

We rely on our server host’s audit, and they are SOC2/SOC3 compliant. The audit report can be downloaded from their compliance reports manager site.

Is my data encrypted?

All data is encrypted in transit, and all connections use TLS 1.2/1.3. Passwords are stored hashed and salted using bcrypt.

Do you update your systems?

Our technical teams follow the latest security standards, keep all our systems updated, and research any suspicious activity. If a security issue is discovered, we fix it immediately.

Do you support SSO/SAML?

Currently we do not support any single sign-on providers.

Does Slickplan own any intellectual property (IP) over our data?

As stated in our Terms of Service “Any data created, submitted, or uploaded to a user’s Slickplan account, during the course of normal and regular use, represents User Data that remains the user’s property.”