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How to add internal links to notes & content?

How to add internal links to notes & content?

Internal linking in Content Planner and page notes allows you to add a link to an internal page (sitemap cell) that will be replaced with a real link to a page when imported to CMS, or will be an anchor to a page in DOCX export.

To Add an internal link to your content follow these steps:

  1. Open the content dashboard from the toolbar, or open the page content from its properties panel.
  2. Add a text content block and click on the link icon.


  3. Modal window will appear, click Internal Link and select a section and a page. Click Add Link.


  4. Done. A link has been added.


To add internal link to a page note:

  1. Open the page properties panel and click the link icon above the note’s WYSIWYG field.


  2. Switch to Internal Link and select a page from the dropdown list.


  3. Click the Save button.